About the effects of lavender
By Julia Wuenscher
Lavender as a medicinal plant is often underestimated nowadays. The medicinal plant (and excellent medicinal plant of the year 2020) not only smells wonderful, but is also good for your body and mind. Nowadays, lavender is often used in natural medicine and many scientific studies also confirm the positive effects of lavender on anxiety, sleep disorders and depression.
Lavender as a room fragrance
Our pure organic lavender oil exudes a pleasant and soothing scent without being obtrusive. Not only is it ideal for repelling insects or cleaning a room, but it can also help you to find more peace.
Against moths and bad dreams
Our Lavender Dried Duo Packs keep pesky moths out of your closet. In addition, our lavender scented sachets can be placed next to your pillow to help you fall asleep. We also received a lot of feedback, especially in summer, from travelers who loved to have the scented sachets in their suitcases. Our Lavender Dried Duo Packs can not only help you fall asleep in hotel beds, but also keep your laundry fresher in your suitcase.
antibacterial effect
In natural cosmetics, lavender is highly valued as an ingredient because lavender has an antibacterial effect. Lavender soothes your hands with anti-inflammatory effects. Our Lavender Hand Wash contains pure organic lavender oil and is certified natural cosmetics.
The list of benefits of lavender is still very long. With March, we want to give the often underestimated plant a modern image and highlight its calming and balancing effect.