From 3D printing to fragrance lamps
By Julia Wuenscher
Our Bronze Oil Burner is not only a fragrance lamp which, in combination with our Lavender Room Oil, enchants your living space with a calm lavender scent, it is also a design piece for your home.
We made the first prototypes for our Bronze Oil Burner out of paper and clay before we made prototypes in the 3D printer with the help of our dear friends Kathi & Max. Countless evening sessions and questions accompanied us: How big should the opening be? Should it be oval or round?
Now we look back on this process and are grateful for the countless loops we made, because this was the only way to create a product that met our design requirements.
We made the first prototypes for our Bronze Oil Burner out of paper and clay before we made prototypes in the 3D printer with the help of our dear friends Kathi & Max. Countless evening sessions and questions accompanied us: How big should the opening be? Should it be oval or round?
Now we look back on this process and are grateful for the countless loops we made, because this was the only way to create a product that met our design requirements.