About our Lavender Dried Duo Packs
By Julia Wuenscher
Unbelievable but true, lavender scented sachets have been used for centuries to add a fresh scent to laundry. Lavender sachets shed a soothing scent and can help you fall asleep, but they can also be used to repel moths.
Our lavender bags are sewn by hand by our dear aunt. We also use a fabric made from organic linen and organic cotton, because after intensive research, this combination felt the most comfortable for us. To strengthen the scent again after a while, we recommend shaking or kneading the lavender sachets well after a few weeks or months. Ideally, they are also stored away from light, as sunlight damages the fragrances.
After sewing countlessLavender Dried Duo-Packs, our aunt's sewing machine had to be repaired. Here too, as with our other partners, regionality is important to us. Luckily there is Mr. Pitter in Weiz, also known as the sewing machine doctor. At 82, he has over 65 years of experience with sewing machines and because he loves his job so much, he's not even thinking about retirement. We are inspired by him, inspired by the love of the profession.