Should you cut back lavender in the fall?
By Matthias Wünscher
Evergreen plants can be cut back in October. This not only ensures a well-groomed appearance, but also vital budding next spring. With lavender, on the other hand, you should avoid pruning in autumn. This would weaken the plant too much, which could end badly, especially during long, harsh winters. Serious frost damage would occur at the interfaces, since the lavender no longer has enough strength to sprout.
That's why we recommend leaving the lavender in the fall and starting to cut it in the spring. You can read all about the 2/3 - 1/3 rule here . It is best to plan the cut in spring, because this is essential for a beautifully blooming lavender in summer.
Do you have any other questions about lavender - whether about planting or harvesting - please write to us .