Blooming Haselbach
By Julia Wuenscher
The lavender blossoms on our farm in Haselbach near Weiz are just turning dark purple. In the quiet of seclusion, our lavender was able to develop magnificently thanks to the stony soil and the many hours of sunshine. The lavender plants that we planted in spring 2020 have now grown into small bushes and are presenting their colorful flowers.
With the help of our family and friends, we planted another 1,000 seedlings on the sunny slopes at 700 meters above sea level last month. For this purpose, a hole was dug by hand for each plant, the roots of the little plants were loosened and then the young lavender was lovingly planted. Now it's time to weed regularly and water properly so that the lamiaceae can take root well, creating the basis for a long and hopefully blooming life.
Last but not least: bees love our lavender. Not only the scent of lavender, but also the buzzing of our yellow-black guests are making their way into Haselbach.